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YYC Calgary International Airport responds to power outage

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YYC Calgary International Airport responds to power outage

CALGARY – Just before 1 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27, YYC Calgary International Airport experienced a temporary power outage. The safety of our guests and airport community are our number one priority, and we quickly activated our Emergency Operations Centre to respond to the situation.

It was determined the outage was due to the failure of a transformer which services approximately one third of the International Terminal Building. The cause of the failure is still under investigation. Our airport operations are an integrated eco-system and this failure impacted several of our systems including baggage and check-in, resulting in the delay or cancellation of some flights. However, many flights were able to remain on schedule.

Primary power related to safety systems was restored in just over an hour of the original power outage, with secondary power which supports our offices and retail operations returning at approximately 4 p.m. When full power capacity was restored at approximately 9:15 p.m., YYC’s primary focus was working diligently with its airline partners to address offloading and boarding delays and regaining regular operations.

We acknowledge this situation caused disruptions to some of our guests’ travel plans and we apologize and thank them for their patience. We also want to acknowledge the support of our airline and airport community partners, employees and volunteers.

The Calgary Airport Authority is working closely with its internal and external partners to conduct a thorough investigation and develop a comprehensive debrief with corrective actions to mitigate the recurrence of this type of issue.

For more information, contact:

Media Relations
The Calgary Airport Authority
(403) 735 5899   

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